Christ - The dependent manWhat does it mean to live in dependence upon God? Let us learn from Christ our perfect example who was a man of prayer being let by the Spirit and living by every word that proceedeth out of God's mouth ...
Don't be afraidNever look ahead to the changes and challenges of this life in fear. Instead, as they arise look at them with the full assurance ...
Be still my soul!Why did it come to Isaac the night he reached Beersheba? Because that was the night he reached rest ...
Pray with faith!When you are confronted with a matter that requires immediate prayer, pray until you believe God ...
All things done to edifyingIf love be in unhindered activity, edification will be the aim and object in all that which is effected in our comings together. Love will desire the building up of all ...
When God speaksAny man may hear the voice of God. When man will listen, God speaks ...
“Christ Liveth in Me”That Christ who is our Saviour should be our Life, that He should live in us, is one of the most profound truths of Christianity ...
The result of the ministryWhy should so small a result be seen in true godliness and growth in grace, from the ministry of the Word, addressed to believers? Let us consider it briefly ...
Servants, check yourselves against the Word of God!Here is a checklist for the servant of God. Kindly have a check and let us try to correct ourselves as per the Word of God ...
Reading the word intellectuallyYou put reading in the place of faith in Christ, and no wonder that you are unhappy. It is the mind which is ministered to by the reading. Faith is the work of God in the soul, enabling it to sec things as He sees them in the light of His own word...