Myths About ForgivingIn my years as a minister and counselor, I’ve talked with many people who have spent years in bondage to someone because they were either unable or unwilling to forgive that person ...
Holy ResponsibilitiesLet us ever bear in mind - yea, let us have it deep, deep down in our hearts, that according to our privileges are our obligations ...
2 out of 600.000! About Faith.The grand principle of the divine life is faith, simple earnest, wholehearted faith that just takes and enjoys all that God has given us. We all live far, very far, below our privileges ...
Grace & DiscipleshipThe power for discipleship is found only in God but it reaches us in a simple way. There is an impulsive (explosive, motivating, pushing) power in affection ...
The Danger of Christian ComplacencyIt is doctrine - doctrine, clear, ringing doctrine which, like the ram`s horn at Jericho casts down the opposition of the devil and sin ...
Unbroken Fellowship With HimThe spies were constrained to admit that the land flowed with milk and honey but there was hesitation. Why? Because they were not trusting in God ...
HIS Interests or Our Own?Our spirits need to be stirred up constantly, that we too may come and “work in the house of the Lord," then there will be a “revival” indeed ...
No Missionary Work...The following recording is from a nation-wide Christian radio programm in the US ...