Why the Saviour sufferedThe wedding dowry that John Bunyan’s wife brought to him consisted of two books. They were of greater value to him than thousands of gold and silver ...
The Returning Backslider (2)Beloved, have you fallen? Have you erred? Have you backslidden? Have you lost the sweet sense of divine favor, the happy consciousness of acceptance with God? If so, what are you to do? ...
Your Father!A visitor at a school for the deaf was writing questions on the board for the children. Soon he wrote this sentence: “Why has God made me able to hear and speak, and made you deaf?” ...
The silence of JesusAre you reading these verses as a child of God who is experiencing a crushing sorrow, a bitter disappointment, or a heartbreaking blow from a totally unexpected place ...
Christian occupationWe become, unconsciously, like that with which we are occupied. We are formed by our thoughts ...
This is my doingMy child, I have a message for you today. Let me whisper it in your ear so any storm clouds that may arise will shine with glory, and the rough places you may have to walk will be made smooth ...
JonathanWhat an exquisite picture we have here! A picture of love stripping itself to clothe its object ...
All things be done with loveWhatever is performed at any time by any of the saints, whether in word or deed (and much may be done by a word), all—yes, ALL—is to be done with love ...
All things are of GodHe is mighty indeed. All mighty. None can stay His hand or say. What doest Thou? And His omnipotence is for us ...
“Beloved of God, Called Saints”How much is contained in the brief expression, “Beloved of God, called saints!” Christians are “beloved of God,” Christians are “called” of God, Christians are “saints” of God ...