Jesus Christ - God and Man (3)Article series: Jesus Christ - God and Man
He who keepeth Israel and never slumbers, is seen peacefully sleeping amid the howlings of the storm upon the Galilean lake ...
Jesus Christ - God and Man (2)Article series: Jesus Christ - God and Man
That He was and is truly Man, One who has been tried in all points as we are (sin apart), enables Him to sympathize with us as we tread our pilgrim way, ...
Following the stranger of GalileeJohn Wesley, classical scholar gifted with a virile mind, gave himself fully to God and consecrated all his powers to His Service ...
Something of His greatnessOften when musing on the greatness of the One, who has expressed His love for us in death ...
A Publican Named LeviWas this publican a Levite? If so his degradation was all the greater ...
A Voice from a PrisonEvery now and again we come across something that makes us thoroughly ashamed of our lukewarmness and lack of zeal for the Lord ...
Where are the young men?In view of the fact that the Lord’s return is imminent, and that Christians know it, it does seem strange that there should be no young men ready to come to the Congo to serve the Lord ...
Grasped OpportunitiesThere are opportunities all around us any day and every day. Shall they be labelled “grasped” or “lost”? ...
Sold out for Christ?David and John, and the men that followed their example, lived the message and just did it. They lived the “Go”...
Great Price - (For Sisters only!)Of no service that men can render is such a thing said, of no labor or toil have we such an eulogium; it is fragrant to God, as was Mary`s ointment, ...