
My God shall supply all your need

“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Phil 4:19) Mark the intimacy there is in “my God.” It is emphatic. It is saying, I know Him; I can answer for Him; I have come through all kinds of things, and I can answer for it that He never failed me. I know the way He acts even in the small things of everyday life.

It is a great thing to trust God daily and hourly; not thinking we can provide for ourselves, and secure ourselves against the power of evil, but to trust God thoroughly. And what is the measure of the supply? Nothing short of “his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” He must glorify Himself - even in the falling of a sparrow - for there is nothing great and nothing small with God. He thinks of what His love must glorify itself in.

“My God shall supply all your need.” How could Paul tell that? He knew Him. Not that he had not been in a condition of want, but he had felt the preciousness of being met in it by God. Things may look very dark, but we have always found that, if He led us by the wilderness where there was no water, He brought water out of the stony rock for us there. He always exercises faith, but He always meets it. Their coats even did not grow old for forty years. This is a blessed result.

“My God shall supply all your need.” He was counting on blessing for others. What a comfort! Instead of walking by sight, to be passing through this world in the blessed consciousness of what God is for oneself, and so able to count on Him for others. We find ourselves sometimes almost dreading to press a person into the path of faith; but we should not dread, but count on grace for them. Faith is always triumphant.

The Lord give us to count on Him always, and we shall then say,

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phil 4:13).


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