
Giving for the salvation of souls

“Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that is treading out corn” (1 Cor 9:9).

At the beginning of the 20th century there was a great missionary Village Campaign that took place in Japan. Money was needed to provide food for those who preached the gospel to lost souls. It is encouraging how God supplies the needs of those who trust Him and work for Him as the following true story shows: 

There was no scarcity of workers, for earnest young Japanese Christians felt the call and heartily responded, but funds began to fail and it looked as if the Village Campaign was at an end. What was to be done? But one thing—to pray.

New lessons were being learned in trust, leaning upon the strong arm of God, upon Him alone. And while he was trusting, God was working. Upon the hearts of hundreds in the homeland came a fresh burden for the evangelization of Japan, and the small gifts of the many were laid at the Master’s feet.

There came an hour when larger sums were needed if the work was to advance speedily. A fine old southern judge was tossing upon his bed one night, sleep having left him. He had just received a letter from his friend X and the villagers of Japan seemed to be standing about him. Would he dare to leave them to perish for the lack of the help he might give? And what about his missionary friend out there who had given up all to go to the lost and dying with the words of Life?

He was laying down his life for them. The judgment would have no terror for him, for without hesitancy could he lift his face to God and say, “I have done my utmost.” The Word in Ezekiel came forcibly to the mind of the judge, “If I say to the wicked, thou shalt surely die, and thou givest him no warning, he shall die, but his blood will I require at thy hand.” (Ezek 3:18)

Judge S knew his Lord’s voice and he arose in the dim light of dawn, went to his desk and wrote:

“My dear Brother X: My heart is stirred over the work you are doing in giving the Gospel to those who have never heard. Will you evangelize one entire province for me? I enclose a check for $3,000.00 for the purpose.”

Over in Japan the weary missionary received the letter which brought fresh hope and courage to press on.

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