The Abandonment on the Cross and Communion with the FatherFrom time to time questions arise concerning the abandonment of Christ on the cross and how this bears upon the Son’s communion with the Father ...
Why sit we here until we die?Do we crave as those four starving outcasts some morsel for our sustenance? Do we crave souls? ...
The Dangers of Intellectualism“Simplicity as to the Christ!” That is what we need. To know Him: to love Him, as united in heart to Him: to adore Him: to serve Him: that is it! If our minds are thus stayed upon Him in uncorrupted simplicity, all else will be added unto us...
Markus - Ich lese die Bibel weil ...„Was ich durch das Lesen in der Bibel vom Leben verstanden habe, hat mein ganzes Leben verändert." Markus erzählt wie er das Leben gefunden hat...
Beautiful Saviour (Fairest Lord Jesus) Beautiful Saviour, King of Creation Son of God and Son of Man! ...
Abide With MeAbide with me; fast falls the eventide; The darkness deepens; Lord with me abide. When other helpers fail and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me...
Well-Planned, Hard, Sweat-Inducing Prayer and WorkPrayer and work belong together. They are like two oars that, when used together, keep a rowboat moving forward. If you use only one oar—praying without working or working without praying—you will row in circles...
Why deepest depression follows sometimes immediately our loftiest highsAren't your times of deepest depression the moments that immediately follow your loftiest highs? Just yesterday you were soaring high in the heavens and singing in the radiance of the morning...
Pushed into God's BestA sentence from one of my mother’s letters helped many a young worker beset as all are, if indeed they are taking up their Cross daily and following their Lord ...
To walk on the water should be the natural thingWe learned then that to walk on the water should be the natural thing; our Lord treated it so; and not to be able to walk upon it should be unnatural for a christian...