Bedingungen der JüngerschaftWahres Christentum ist völlige Hingabe an den Herrn Jesus Christus. Von welchen Bedingungen hat der Herr Jesus in Verbindung mit Jüngerschaft gesprochen? ...
Great Price - (For Sisters only!)Of no service that men can render is such a thing said, of no labor or toil have we such an eulogium; it is fragrant to God, as was Mary`s ointment, ...
For mother's day - The hardest job in the world ....This gives you a cool insight in view of the hardest job in the world ... Enjoy!
… sich selbst für mich hingegeben!Wie jeder sehen konnte, lebte Paulus noch! Er war jedoch nicht mehr der alte Saulus von Tarsus...
The Character of a Servant of GodArtikelreihe: Biographies
He was a man of incredible intensity. First and foremost, he was intensely committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was his only love and all-consuming passion. He cared for little that this world had to offer...
Gottes Muster für Wachstum - Der biblische Bauplan für wachsende VersammlungenEs sollte sicher zu tiefsten Übungen führen, wenn wir sehen wie Zusammenkommen aussterben und der Leuchter, allem Anschein nach, weggerückt wird ...
Well-Planned, Hard, Sweat-Inducing Prayer and WorkPrayer and work belong together. They are like two oars that, when used together, keep a rowboat moving forward. If you use only one oar—praying without working or working without praying—you will row in circles...
A wonderful testimony!Great encouragement! Listen to this amazing testimony of a woman who was willing to sacrifice her life for others... - 45 minutes audio message
Is Christ the Object of Your Heart?More and more I am made to feel that Christ does not have His proper place among the children of God. Something beside Christ is their object — a doctrine, a dogma, a party, a denomination, or their experience ...
How to Live On ChristAbout Harriet Beecher Stowe. Paragraphs used in a booklet sent by Hudson Taylor to all the China Inland Missionaries in 1869 ...