Are you a Doer of the Word?Jesus said that the wise man is the one who hears His words and does them. The foolish man also hears His words but does nothing about them...
Service for ChristWe are not called to oppose others who are serving the Lord. It is a big, wide world, and there is plenty of room for all of us to get on with our work without stepping on one another’s toes...
Don’t seek great things for yourself!There is a subtle temptation, even in Christian service, to become great, to see one’s name in the magazines or hear it over the radio. But it is a great snare...
Yes, Father!In almost everyone’s life there are things which he never would have chosen, which he would like to be rid of, but which can never be changed...
Confidence and rest“What pleases Thee, Lord, pleases me” is a grand motto for rest and peace and quiet, and for the stopping of all repining about what we have not got...
Vergiss das Danken nicht!Man sollte denken, dass alle, die beten, auch danken werden - das ist aber nicht der Fall. Viele unserer Mitbürger beten, wenn sie krank oder dem Tod nahe sind; wenn sie aber genesen, erkrankt ihr Dank bis zum Tod...
Die Opferung Isaaks (2)Abraham zögerte nicht; er gehorchte pünktlich. Der Glaube bleibt niemals stehen, um die Umstände zu betrachten oder die Folgen zu berechnen...
What love doesWe must not think of love as an uncontrollable, unpredictable emotion. We are commanded to love, and this would be quite impossible if love were some elusive, sporadic sensation...
Deny YourselfSin causes us to be self-centered, shifting our hearts from God to self. The essence of salvation is an about-face from self- centeredness to God-centeredness...
Dankbarkeit oder Kritik an anderen?Dieser Mann war, solange er ein Aussätziger war, einer von zehn; als er zurückkehrte, um Gott zu danken, war er ganz allein...