“Yes, Father”Without grumbling or speaking up, Christ accepted the circumstances from the hand of God with admirable meekness...
Meekness towards GodWhat does it mean to be meek towards God? It means accepting trials, difficulties, problems and disappointments from His hand without defiance...
Don’t become entangled!The Christian has been enlisted by the Lord, and is on active service for Him. He must not entangle himself in the affairs of everyday life...
Willst du Gott sehen?Reinheit, Herzensreinheit soll unser Hauptstreben sein. Wir müssen innerlich durch den Geist und das Wort rein gemacht werden...
God´s great purpose with our livesWhat is God’s plan for my life? What has He called me to do and what can I do to be more in alignment with His calling for me in my daily life?
Effective ServiceIt is the man of depth and feeling who is effective in the service of God ...
Der unbekannte GottWie kann ich Gott erkennen? Wo kann ich ihn finden? In Wissenschaft und Philosophie? Haben diese das irgendjemand gebracht? Haben sie einen armen Suchenden auf diesen Weg des Lebens und Friedens geführt?...
How do you hear?In the Christian life it is a question not only of what we hear but also of how we hear...
A rewarding encouragementWe can show kindness to the Lord Jesus any day by showing kindness to a fellow-believer...
What's the Focus of Your Prayers?What is the most needed, yet the most dangerous, prayer you could ever pray?...