Der KommendeJa, der Herr kommt. Vielleicht noch heute. Erwartest Du Ihn? Sehnst Du Dich nach Ihm?...
A Great While Before DayIt is a marvellous thing to know that before I awoke in the morning He had risen up and was thinking of me, and was waiting and prepared to hear and answer my waking cry...
The greatness of Christ (3)Not only the person of Christ and His office are great - He is also great in His actions. Many times people were astonished when they saw the wonderful deeds of the Lord Jesus ...
Unser Name und der Name GottesMit welchen Eigenschaften bringt man meinen Namen in Verbindung? An welche Wesenszüge werden die Menschen erinnert, die meinen Namen hören?...
The greatness of Christ (2)Christ is great! That is true for His person as well as for His ministry ...
A Great CalmThe Lord is always nearest when He is most needed. This may not always be realized but it is a great truth...
Einladung: Unausforschliche Reichtümer - Pfingsten 2020Vom 29.05 bis 01.06 finden 12 Online Vorträge über unseren wunderbaren Herrn statt ...
The greatness of Christ (1)Christ is great! The awareness of His greatness is very important for the spiritual life of a believer ...
About a Stone's CastA great crisis had been reached in the life of the Lord Jesus. He had not separated Himself from His disciples in this way before, nor had they ever parted company with Him...
Der König der ZeitalterIch will Dich heute einladen, über Gott nachzudenken. Gott selbst hat so viele herrliche Eigenschaften, Namen und Titel, über die es sich wirklich lohnt, nachzudenken...