Absonderung mit Christus wie ChristusChristen bewahren ihre Kraft nur insofern, wie sie in diesem Zustande der vollständigen Absonderung bleiben, den die Weit nicht versteht und an dem sie nicht teilhaben kann...
RuheJesus gibt unseren Seelen bleibende Ruhe, und nicht das, was unsere Gedanken über uns selbst sein mögen...
Göttliche EnergieChristus in der Herrlichkeit wird uns als derjenige vorgestellt, der uns in Tatkraft weiterführt, indem Er uns dem gleich gestaltet, was Er in Herrlichkeit ist ..
Fellowship With a Risen ChristThe moment the eye is turned off from Christ, darkness sets in. Only when the eye is simple will this not happen (Lk 11:34), and what is a simple eye but one having Christ as its object ...
Looking into the Face of JesusThis Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven, shall thus come in the manner in which ye have beheld Him going into heaven ...
Lippenbekenntnis vs. HerzenssehnsuchtFür viele ist es eitel Freude und Wonne, ein beschauliches Leben zu führen ...
The Secret of Effective ServiceEvery true servant is sent forth from the immediate presence of the Father, with all its holiness and all its grace. He is called to be holy and gracious, the reflection of the grace and holiness of the divine character...
Nothing between my Heart and HIMWe cannot make or keep the heart pure by just trying to do so, for that trying would produce a state of mere mystical self-occupation ...
How is the Film of Your Life?When is the right time to live for Christ? ...
Jesus Christ is LORDJesus Christ is more than just King of the Jews; He is Heir to a universal throne. Into His hands the Father has committed the maintenance of His limitless glory and the carrying out of His will ...