Der geeignetste Ort, um eine Kobra zu töten ...Die effektivste Art, um mit Sünde richtig umzugehen, ist, wenn man noch nicht über den Blick mit den Augen hinausgegangen ist ...
Trachte zuerst nach dem Reich GottesTrachte zuerst nach dem Reich Gottes, weil es wirklich den Vorzug verdient. Sollte es je zur Wahl zwischen Gott und dem Mammon kommen, so zögere keinen Augenblick...
Verwalter der Gnade GottesEgal ob Du fünf, zwei oder ein Talent empfangen hast; worauf es ankommt ist, was Du aus dem machst, was Dir anvertraut worden ist...
Gaining Christ's smileEven to the vilest and deadliest of charges, Jesus responded with deep, unbroken silence. His silence was so profound, it caused His accusers and spectators to wonder in awe ...
Precious seedsIn Northampton, Massachusetts, stands the old cemetery where David Brainerd is buried. Brainerd, a pioneer American missionary, died in 1747 at the age of twenty-nine ...
JonathanWhat an exquisite picture we have here! A picture of love stripping itself to clothe its object ...
Do you deny yourself?The Lord Jesus went through sufferings to glory. This is also the way for every one of His disciples. Therefore Christ told His disciples what they had to do if they wanted to follow Him ...
Self-Denial“If only we exercise a little self denial every day, we shall get on to heaven very comfortably.” What a volume of wholesome practical truth in this brief utterance! ...
Wie Gott Gebet erhörtVieles, was uns in unserem Glaubensleben verwirrt und bestürzt, ist nur die Antwort auf unsere Gebete ...
A Parable and a FactYour circumstances have your greatest blessing in view, and God who considers and makes all things work together for your good, knows just where you live and how ...