
Simple Thoughts that go a Long Way!

-To reap, sow.

-To succeed, serve.

-To laugh, make someone laugh.

-To prosper, be honest.

-To excel, be faithful.

-To go far, get up early.

-To change someone, change yourself.

-To be exalted, be humble,

-To be strong, pray often.

-To do a lot, speak little.

-To be fruitful, praise God.

-To live well, forgive.

-To talk well, be slow to anger.

-To sleep well, work hard.

-To be loved, love.

-To be a good husband, love your wife.

-To be a good wife, submit yourself to your own husband.

-To be respected, be polite.

-To cause Satan to flee, resist him and never give in nor give up.

-To grow in faith, meditate on the word of God always.


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