
Lift up the eye

“Your heavenly Father knoweth. … Take ... no thought for the morrow'’ (Matt. 6:32-34).

Take short views as to your earthly circumstances. One step at a time is the secret of a successful climb; and there is not one with strength enough to bear today’s duties with the worries and interests of tomorrow piled on top of them.

‘‘We look … at the things which are … eternal” (2 Cor. 4. 18). "Looking unto Jesus” (Heb. 12:2).

Lift up the eye to the things that are above the sun, to Him who sits enthroned above all circumstances in the glory of God; there is your goal, that is your destiny. And the power that dwells in the risen Christ is active to bring you there. It is the knowledge of the power and the glory refulgent in that blessed Person, whose love is changeless and eternal, that makes the Christian superior to the forces that beset his onward march, and independent of the attraction of temporal things.            


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