Deepen the exercises of a soul
The Lord always sought to deepen exercises of soul, as He did in the case of the Syrophenician woman, refusing to grant her request till she was in the state to receive it. We seek to shorten them, as, for example, when we press souls to an immediate decision for Christ, without considering whether they have been brought to that point by the work of the Holy
Vorheriges Zitat Nächstes Zitat
Weitere Zitate zu: Evangelisation
- Was macht wirklich Sinn?
- Witnessing of Christ
- A poor sermon
- Untold millions
- Was ist mit dem Missionsauftrag?
- How God is well pleased
- The harvest is great!
- Was die Welt liest
- The power of the gospel
- Shaking the gates of hell
- A prayer
- Fearing what?
- Deepen the exercises of a soul
- What we shall tell to people
- The great Commission
- Drawing people to Christ
„Ein Wort zu seiner Zeit, wie gut!“ (Spr 15,23)