The harvest is great!
Had I a hundred hands, I could employ them all. The harvest is very great. I am ashamed I can do no more for him who has done so much for
Vorheriges Zitat Nächstes Zitat
Weitere Zitate zu: Evangelisation
- Was macht wirklich Sinn?
- Witnessing of Christ
- A poor sermon
- Untold millions
- Was ist mit dem Missionsauftrag?
- How God is well pleased
- The harvest is great!
- Was die Welt liest
- The power of the gospel
- Shaking the gates of hell
- A prayer
- Fearing what?
- Deepen the exercises of a soul
- What we shall tell to people
- The great Commission
- Drawing people to Christ
„Ein Wort zu seiner Zeit, wie gut!“ (Spr 15,23)