„Was wir gehört und erfahren und unsere Väter uns erzählt haben, wollen wir ihren Söhnen nicht verhehlen, sondern dem künftigen Geschlecht den Ruhm des HERRN und seine Stärke und seine Wunderwerke, die er getan hat, erzählen“ (Psalm 78,3-4).
Prayer and FaithOn one occasion Mr. Moody said to me in Chicago: "I have just found, to my surprise, that we are twenty thousand dollars behind in our finances ...
Praying menAt one prayer meeting, Leonard Ravenhill mentioned a young man: I talked this morning again with a young man who was here not long ago ...
This God, is our God!This God is our God. He has not changed. He is waiting for those who step out in dependence and faith trusting in His great faithfulness ...
When God extends His workIt is a great privilege when the Lord allows us to see His work to be Extended ...
Giving for the salvation of soulsAt the beginning of the 20th century there was a great missionary Village Campaign that took place in Japan. Money was needed to provide food for those who preached the gospel to lost souls ...
Prayer and RevivalThe following true story which happened a century ago gives us a little glimpse of what God is able to do as an answer to prayer ...
„Wer wird aussprechen die Machttaten des HERRN, hören lassen all seinen Ruhm?“ (Psalm 106,2)