„Was wir gehört und erfahren und unsere Väter uns erzählt haben, wollen wir ihren Söhnen nicht verhehlen, sondern dem künftigen Geschlecht den Ruhm des HERRN und seine Stärke und seine Wunderwerke, die er getan hat, erzählen“ (Psalm 78,3-4).
Just tell Jesus when in troubleOne day the children, lured by the beautiful wild flowers, became hopelessly lost in the woods...
When the Spirit Urges us to PrayI awoke suddenly one night feeling greatly troubled for one in Canada. So strong was the impression that this friend needed my prayers...
The blessing of prayer nightsMoody certainly was a wonderful preacher; taking it all in all, the most wonderful preacher I have ever heard, and it was a great privilege to hear him preach ...
Prayer and FaithOn one occasion Mr. Moody said to me in Chicago: "I have just found, to my surprise, that we are twenty thousand dollars behind in our finances ...
God's wonderful faithfulnessOn June 15, 1837 George Muller wrote in his diary:
Today I gave myself once more earnestly to prayer respecting the remainder of the £1000 ...
Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill itI was reading Psalm 8 and was particularly struck, more than at any time before, with verse 10: "Open thy month wide, and I will fill it." ...
Nip McCormick: Dying He PrayedThe influence of the prayer meeting was seen significantly in one young man’s life. Nip McCormick was a twenty-seven year old married man ...
Praying menAt one prayer meeting, Leonard Ravenhill mentioned a young man: I talked this morning again with a young man who was here not long ago ...
This God, is our God!This God is our God. He has not changed. He is waiting for those who step out in dependence and faith trusting in His great faithfulness ...
When God extends His workIt is a great privilege when the Lord allows us to see His work to be Extended ...