„Was wir gehört und erfahren und unsere Väter uns erzählt haben, wollen wir ihren Söhnen nicht verhehlen, sondern dem künftigen Geschlecht den Ruhm des HERRN und seine Stärke und seine Wunderwerke, die er getan hat, erzählen“ (Psalm 78,3-4).
Yielding our most precious things to the LordDuring our fourth year in China, when we were spending the hot season at the coast, our little son, eighteen months old, was taken very ill with dysentery...
The blessing of prayer nightsMoody certainly was a wonderful preacher; taking it all in all, the most wonderful preacher I have ever heard, and it was a great privilege to hear him preach ...
Praying menAt one prayer meeting, Leonard Ravenhill mentioned a young man: I talked this morning again with a young man who was here not long ago ...
„Wer wird aussprechen die Machttaten des HERRN, hören lassen all seinen Ruhm?“ (Psalm 106,2)