„Was wir gehört und erfahren und unsere Väter uns erzählt haben, wollen wir ihren Söhnen nicht verhehlen, sondern dem künftigen Geschlecht den Ruhm des HERRN und seine Stärke und seine Wunderwerke, die er getan hat, erzählen“ (Psalm 78,3-4).
God’s leading to give at the right timeOne day, the thought of two dear friends of the China Inland Mission kept coming constantly to mind, and I began to wonder if I should not send them some money...
God faithfully takes care of His workOne of the hardest words a missionary can get from his Home Board is the word "retrench." My husband and I were on one of our evangelistic tours north of Changte...
A Father's prayerThe Lord Jesus told His disciples that they should pray for labourers. We may even ask the Lord to send our own children into the harvest field...
A powerful transformationWhen Jonathan Goforth and his wife started missionary work in China, they labored for some time until they saw the first fruits in people getting saved...
„Wer wird aussprechen die Machttaten des HERRN, hören lassen all seinen Ruhm?“ (Psalm 106,2)