The power of the two-edged SwordThe Word of God is the sword of the Spirit. It needs to be used more than it needs to be defended...
Forgive each other!There is a definite order to be followed in connection with Scriptural forgiveness...
Billy Grahams experience“Through faith we understand…” These words embody one of the most basic principles of spiritual life...
Finding complete rest in ChristYou are in God's school. He wants you to learn more and more to find complete rest in Christ...
Sincere desire is rewarded!When a sinner has come to the end of himself and when he prays in deep extremity, “Oh God, reveal Yourself to me,” God always does...
Rejoice in the Lord always!How can someone achieve having permanent joy in the heart? Is that even possible? Yes, it is...
Appearing before the Judgment-Seat of ChristThe Judgment Seat of Christ will be a place of review and reward where some will be rewarded more than others...
Deliverance from selfishnessChristianity gives divine life and a divine center; and as the life moves round that center we are taken out of self.
An important decision!Joy has to do with a decision—the decision whether we want to rejoice in the Lord or whether we allow ourselves to be pulled down by circumstances...
Courage for Prophetic Ministry – Elijah (4)Article series: Elijah
Prophetic ministry still exists today. And this means that believers speak to the hearts and consciences of others on behalf of God and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit...