How suffering may serve for eternal blessingGod sometimes uses great suffering to produce great salvation...
The Work of the SilversmithGod often uses suffering and difficulties to educate us and make us more like Christ...
“Yes, Father”Without grumbling or speaking up, Christ accepted the circumstances from the hand of God with admirable meekness...
Willing to suffer?Let us honestly ask ourselves with what attitude of heart and willingness we accept God’s will...
Meekness towards GodWhat does it mean to be meek towards God? It means accepting trials, difficulties, problems and disappointments from His hand without defiance...
Don’t become entangled!The Christian has been enlisted by the Lord, and is on active service for Him. He must not entangle himself in the affairs of everyday life...
Give liberty to the SpiritThe Spirit of God is sovereign. He moves as He pleases. We try to pour Him into our particular mold, but our attempts are invariably frustrated...
God works out all things for goodGod does work all things together for good. We know it because the Bible says it. Faith appropriates it, even when we cannot see or understand...
The wrath of man shall praise GodOne of the fascinating features of human history is the way in which God makes man’s wrath praise Him. Ever since the Fall, man has shaken the fist against God, against His people and against His cause.
Serving with devotednessSometimes God wants us to really sacrifice ourselves for the needs of others, and to do so without allowing resentment or discontentment to rise in our hearts...