A religion that costs nothing is worth nothingWe know that it costs nothing to become a Christian, but we should also know that a life of genuine discipleship costs plenty...
God´s great purpose with our livesWhat is God’s plan for my life? What has He called me to do and what can I do to be more in alignment with His calling for me in my daily life?
Unfulfilled DesiresJesus Christ had desires and wishes here on earth which—although they were good and right—were not fulfilled.
How God countsGod counts the desire for the act when we are unable to carry out our desires for Him...
Be sensitive to God’s leadingIt seems to me that the horse and the mule picture two wrong attitudes we might have when we are seeking the Lord’s guidance. The horse wants to charge ahead; the mule wants to lag behind.
Effective ServiceIt is the man of depth and feeling who is effective in the service of God ...
A life of service for othersThe key word in Philippians 2 is “others.” The Lord Jesus lived for others....
By Prayer and SupplicationWhen John Scudder, a missionary to India, was asked how he accounted for the fact that all his nine children also became missionaries, he replied ...
Be sensitive to God’s leadingIt seems to me that the horse and the mule picture two wrong attitudes we might have when we are seeking the Lord’s guidance. The horse wants to charge ahead; the mule wants to lag behind. The horse tends to be impatient, high-spirited and impetuous. The mule on the other hand is stubborn, intractable and lazy...
Praising God Without Doing Good to Men?The Christian should be the living expression of Christ, by the power of the Holy Ghost ...