“I Trust My Soul to Jesus”Tom was the son of a miner living in the north of England. His parents loved him tenderly, and they often prayed that he might be brought to accept the Saviour...
“Glorify God in Your Body”A day is approaching when the bodies of the redeemed will be altogether for the praise of God’s glory...
The Unexpected Answers of GodWe are often unprepared for the answers we receive from God. His answers frequently do not look at first like answers. They look like problems...
A TestA Test—If you give away tracts in the railway carriages it soon tests the company as to who is on the Lord’s side...
A new path of blessingArticle series: God has a way for you
God has a good way for you. A path of blessing. A path where you have God by your side...
God teaches us His wayArticle series: God has a way for you
Sometimes it’s really helpful to look back in life. We should remember the guidance and faithfulness of God that we’ve already experienced along the way...
A path on which we overcome obstaclesArticle series: God has a way for you
God's way sometimes leads through the middle of seemingly insurmountable obstacles...
A wise and unfathomable pathArticle series: God has a way for you
God's way is a wise way. He knows exactly what each of us is like. He knows what fears and worries we have...
A safe wayArticle series: God has a way for you
If you’ve accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, then you can know that God has a good way for you. In the midst of the chaos of this world...
“A Place For You”The one who knows the love of Jesus, desires to be with Himself. His presence there, in His Father’s house, will be the pre-eminent thing for our heart...