God is with youArticle series: You are not alone
You are not alone. God's Word makes this very clear in many places...
God's Perfect WayJoseph is put into the pit and into the prison. Moses flees to Midian. The three Hebrew children are cast into the furnace...
The secret of effectual serviceOccupation is the secret of reproduction. The photograph prints from the negative only so long as it is exposed to the light...
When God is silentWho has not come to Christ with a burden, crying out for help or for relief—only to find Him silent?...
Be man of courageChrist was infinitely gentle. The warmth of His heart made a tropical summer all about Him. But behind the gentleness, was also infinite strength...
The skill in dealing with hurt livesIt is a high honor that is conferred upon us—when God sends to us human hearts to be comforted, or human souls to be helped...
Be a blessing to othersWe ought always to desire to be a blessing to those we love. God sends many of His best spiritual gifts, through human hearts and hands...
Waiting for GodWe need the patience of Christ to keep us from over-helping others. We would help too much—or too soon...
What Does it Mean to Seek the Lord – Obstacles to Get AroundThere are endless obstacles we must get around in order to see God clearly, and so that we can be in the light of His presence...
What Does it Mean to Seek the Lord? – Set Your mind Toward GodGod calls us to enjoy continual consciousness of His supreme greatness and beauty and worth. This happens through seeking...