Peculiar PeopleThe Holy Spirit declares that God's elect, once they are called and converted by His sovereign grace, are made to be a "peculiar people"...
Confessing ChristWe should be ready, without bravado, modestly and humbly—yet boldly, to admit that we are Christians...
True or miserable comforters?Others may have injured or grieved us in some way, and we may not be ready to forgive them. But while we feel so, we are shutting out divine blessing from ourselves...
God executes all His purposes of goodWe cannot do what we desire to do. Many of our purposes are thwarted...
Receiving something betterOn weary paths of earth where we toil in search of supposed blessings, we are really rising step by step on invisible stairs, and reaching blessings of which the earthly illusions were only pictures...
The Result of His CareArticle series: Divine Care
This we know, that God will care for us, and, caring for us, will fulfill his promises to us, and make all his goodness pass before us...
How does God Care for us?Article series: Divine Care
WHAT does He do? He cares for you. He thinks of you. He watches over you. He sympathizes with you. He feels the deepest interest in you...
Who Cares for us?Article series: Divine Care
WHO is it, that cares for us? It is the Lord Almighty — the high and lofty one who inhabits eternity, whose name is holy!...
For Whom God CaresArticle series: Divine Care
God cares for WHOM? For you believer, who is born again, not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible, by the word of God which lives and abides forever...
He cares for you!Article series: Divine Care
The Christian's life is very much made up of cares — and comforts...