The Chocolate Soldier (2)Article series: The Chocolate Soldier
God never was a Cholcolate Manufacturer, and never will be. God's men are always heroes. In Scripture you can trace their giant foot-tracks down the sands of time...
The Chocolate Soldier (1)Article series: The Chocolate Soldier
Heroism is the lost chord; the missing note of present-day Christianity! Every true soldier is a hero! A soldier without heroism is a chocolate soldier!...
Sow GenerouslyYou are called to be intentional about your Christianity. You must be determined to experience the fullness of God in every area of your Christian life...
Passing time, or redeeming the time? - The descendants of CainWhere are your "barren places" where you regularly retreat to calm down and talk to God undisturbed? Have you ever thought about the influence your smartphone has on you?...
Power, not FearThe only fear that God encourages in a Christian’s life is the fear of God. Fear of people does not come from God...
What in the World Is Happening?God is using the crisis to work out His eternal plan. Every “time” or age in man’s history is a time that God made and in which God is working out this glorious plan...
Going forward by faithA great many people stand on the edge of the Christian life, waiting for feelings, before they will begin to follow Christ. If they would but begin to follow him, the way would open before them...
Surviving the summerHow can we exercise ourselves unto godliness? Which habbits should we develop? How determined do we have to be? ...
A Due ReapingBeliever! all the glory of your salvation belongs to Jesus — none to yourself! Every jewel in your eternal crown is His...
Following the example of JesusWhat does it mean to follow the example of Christ? How did He live and what can we learn from it? ...