Characteristics of FaithDoes the wonderful future, promised to you by God, influence your daily life? What are you willing to sacrifice in order to gather treasures in heaven?...
FaithFaith has many facets: it believes the unbelievable, sees the invisible and does the impossible. By trusting in faith we bring the living God into the circumstances of life—and that changes everything!...
Faith isn't naturalFaith isn’t natural for us. Doubt is, fear is, and pride is, but faith in the words and works of another isn’t, and for that there’s grace...
What are you preaching to yourself?Every day you preach to yourself some kind of gospel—a false “I can’t do this” gospel or the true “I have all I need in Christ” gospel...
Is God OK With Denominationalism?Since denominationalism has become the norm in most places, it’s easy to overlook the potential that Scripture might have something different to say on the topic...
The Chocolate Soldier (13)Do let us make a real start now—at once. For years, like Mr. Winkle, we've declared we were just about to begin, and then never began at all...
The Chocolate Soldier (12)We Christians too often substitude prayer for playing the game. Prayer is good: but when used as a substitute for obedience...
The Chocolate Soldier (11)THE TEN SPIES WERE CHOCOLATES. They melted and ran over the whole congregation of Israel...
Think global, act local – 3 little-known factsIn today’s video, I share three lesser known facts that show that the local aspect of the Church differs from the universal aspect...
Think global, act local! Two aspects of the ChurchThink global, act local. Yes, it is a bit of a catch phrase from a different environment. But I found it to be useful when you think about it deeper...