Christ Glorified in HeavenArticle series: Our Glorious Lord
“Christ crucified,” cuts all the cords below. “Christ glorified,” forms new links and eternal bonds above...
What kind of Jesus do you want? (4)Maybe today you want the District Attorney Jesus, who’ll get all those people who've made your life hard. He will be only your sovereign Savior King...
The Triumph of the CrossArticle series: Our Glorious Lord
The most wondrous event this world has known, or ever will know, was when the Son of God—God manifest in the flesh—bowed His head in death on Golgotha’s cross...
What kind of Jesus do you want? (3)Maybe you want the Suggestion Box Jesus, whose law is more advice than command. He will be nothing less than the sovereign Savior King...
The Christ of GodArticle series: Our Glorious Lord
In the presence of ever-increasing denials of the Godhead of our Lord Jesus Christ, how good it is for the souls of the saints to reassure themselves of the fact that He is indeed “the Lord of Glory”...
What kind of Jesus do you want? (2)Do you want the Vacation Planner Jesus, who’ll take you to a place where life is more pleasurable? He will be only your sovereign Savior King...
Christ and the ScripturesArticle series: Our Glorious Lord
The inspired Word, from first to last is full of Christ, and Christ, throughout the entire path of His obedience, service, and suffering here, was full of the Word...
What kind of Jesus do you want? (1)What kind of Jesus do you want? Do you want the Prozac Jesus, who will make you feel better? He will be only your sovereign Savior King...
Christ, a Stranger on EarthArticle series: Our Glorious Lord
The Lord from heaven was a Stranger here. He was “in the world,” which in its Paradisicial condition, was the work of His hands, but “the world knew Him not”...
All in Christ: Christ Is AllArticle series: Our Glorious Lord
In infinite grace, God has given to mankind the gift of His Beloved Son. More He could not give. Less would not have met our need...