Discipleship - Closing RemarksArticle series: Discipleship - Missions in Focus 2019
A final challenge to make disciples and to live faithful discipleship
Daily discipline in a disciple's lifeArticle series: Discipleship - Missions in Focus 2019
Discipline is a word most of us don’t like! We automatically think negatively about it; but discipline in our lives is not negative, it’s necessary ...
A Disciple of Christ and the Requirements to be oneArticle series: Discipleship - Missions in Focus 2019
A disciple is defined as a learner, a pupil, one who comes to be taught. So where do we start? First, we must determine ...
A Prayer on a Basement FloorMost of my understanding of scriptural truths has come gradually - but suddenly one day, I understood God’s grace in an entirely new way...
The external - the expression of the internalHe that cannot fulfil and walk in what is simply his duty must be weak in everything. The greatness of any one is seen in the way in which he is able to meet all the claims on his time and temper...
Active in DutyThe time we have lost, cannot be recalled; should we not then redeem and improve the little that remains?...
Firmness in TemptationAre you bold in repelling the foe as your Master was? Are you ready with the retort to every foul suggestion, “Get thee hence, Satan”?...
Holy ZealDo you know anything of this zeal, which many waters could not quench? See that, like your Lord’s, it be steady, sober, consistent, undeviating...
A Missing HandHere is the Almighty waiting for a human instrument. The mere statement of such a possibility touches the soul with awe ...
Fidelity in rebukeJesus never spoke one unnecessarily harsh or severe word. The giving of a wise reproof requires much Christian prudence and delicate discretion...