Putting Your Brother FirstAs a Christian you are obliged to view your actions in light of how they will affect other Christians...
Serving one another by loveSomeone has said, “Self thinks itself great and is served. Love serves and is great.”...
ContentmentOur world promotes dissatisfaction with our lives. We are constantly bombarded with newer and better things that will make our lives more complete...
Different rewards in heavenThe Judgment Seat of Christ will be a place of review and reward where some will be rewarded more than others...
Beware of the AmalekitesAs you move forward in your pilgrimage with the Lord, there will be “Amalekites” that will seek to distract and defeat you...
A forgiving spiritThere is a definite order to be followed in connection with Scriptural forgiveness. If we would follow this order we would save ourselves a lot of headaches and heartaches...
For the Lord, Not MenThere is an important difference between doing something for people and doing something for God. God always deserves our best effort...
Success without GodIf success is what is important to you, you may be tempted to choose accomplishments over your relationship with God...
God’s Word and His PromisesThe immutability of God is our security, our fortress, the anchor for our souls and the rock on which we stand! There is no one like Him!...
Abide in the VineThere are those who feel that they must be constantly laboring for the Lord in order to meet God’s high standards. Jesus gave a clear picture of what our relationship to Him ought to be like...