The gracious verdictReader, you may be the chief of sinners — or it may be the chief of backsliders; crimson sins, and scarlet sins are no barrier to a free, full, everlasting forgiveness...
Are you a Doer of the Word?Jesus said that the wise man is the one who hears His words and does them. The foolish man also hears His words but does nothing about them...
The Power of PrayerBlessed Jesus! It is You who has unlocked to Your people the gates of prayer. Without You, they must have been shut forever...
The Lord my ExpectationIt is the sin, as it is the mortification, of the believer, to expect too much from the creature, and too little from the Lord...
Service for ChristWe are not called to oppose others who are serving the Lord. It is a big, wide world, and there is plenty of room for all of us to get on with our work without stepping on one another’s toes...
The Lord my ProviderThe life God intends His people should live is not one of sight but of faith, not one for tomorrow but for today...
The Lord my Burden-BearerWhatever your burden, cast it in the prayer of faith on the Lord. Peculiar and heavy though it may be, His strength and grace and love will sustain you...
Don’t seek great things for yourself!There is a subtle temptation, even in Christian service, to become great, to see one’s name in the magazines or hear it over the radio. But it is a great snare...
The Lord my Care-TakerHe cares for us. My soul, has not Jesus proved it? Did He not care for you when He embarked in the work of your salvation?...
Yes, Father!In almost everyone’s life there are things which he never would have chosen, which he would like to be rid of, but which can never be changed...