The Lord my ExampleWould you resemble Jesus? Then study Him closely, study Him constantly. Study not faint, imperfect copies, but study the Divine-human Original...
Two dangersHumility is an excellent grace. It is the empty hand which God fills. Self-conceit is weakness...
“All seek their own”As the Lord looks upon us, is He able to say, “Ye seek the things of Jesus Christ”?...
The Lord our ServantThe Lord of life and glory, the Creator of all beings, the Maker of all worlds - our Servant! Astounding truth! Amazing condescension! Fathomless grace!
God’s ways past tracing outWe should learn to trust God even in the deepest mysteries, not expecting to understand - but sure of His love and goodness - even when it is darkest and when His face is veiled...
Spiritual Growth and Increased NumbersDoes not every true-hearted servant of God desire to see spiritual progress and increase of numbers in the gatherings today? Surely; but, alas, how little we see of it!...
The Lord is my DelivererIt was a needful and precious petition the Lord Jesus taught His disciples - and which we require daily to offer - "DELIVER us from evil."...
The Lord is my TeacherLook, O my soul, at one or two of the qualifications of Jesus as your Teacher...
Our reasonable serviceIt is not an unreasonable thing that God asks us to do when he beseeches us to present ourselves to him as a living sacrifice...
The Lord is my MasterAs our Master, we belong to the school of Christ. In other words, we are His disciples or learners...