God's windsOne of the first rules of aerodynamics is that flying into the wind quickly increases altitude. The wings of the airplane create more lift by flying against the wind ...
Worthy of the wildernessThis seemed a strange way for God to prove His favor. “At once”— after what? ...
Hannah's PrayerThe first book of Samuel opens with the brief history of a godly man called Elkanah, who lived in the time of the Judges ...
Christian ResourceAll that comes before us in the first 13 verses of Philippians 4, all that is suitable for the believer in his earthly journeying ...
Christian occupationWe become, unconsciously, like that with which we are occupied. We are formed by our thoughts ...
Precious seedsIn Northampton, Massachusetts, stands the old cemetery where David Brainerd is buried. Brainerd, a pioneer American missionary, died in 1747 at the age of twenty-nine ...
This is my doingMy child, I have a message for you today. Let me whisper it in your ear so any storm clouds that may arise will shine with glory, and the rough places you may have to walk will be made smooth ...
Christian contentmentChristian contentment is expressed in the words of the apostle, “I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content" ...
The point of stillnessThe dew is a source of freshness. It is nature’s provision for renewing the face of the earth. It falls at night ...
Christian calmnessTwo friends were travelling together in Switzerland. One ascended the Rigi and stayed in the hotel at the top of the mountain ...