Does God Care?Scripture teems with illustrations of how God cares, and how short-sighted man is in looking at events happening to him. Yet with such a wealth of illustration, how little we are prepared to bring God into our calculations ...
Sold out for Christ?David and John, and the men that followed their example, lived the message and just did it. They lived the “Go”...
Great Price - (For Sisters only!)Of no service that men can render is such a thing said, of no labor or toil have we such an eulogium; it is fragrant to God, as was Mary`s ointment, ...
Take me back to the old PathsWe read the Bible in public; Prayed in school; And preached from house to house. To be called a Christian was worth living for
Sing for joyShow me a joyless Christian and I will show you a powerless Christian! ...
The popes great role modelST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI (1181-1226) was the founder of the Franciscan Order. Born to the family of a wealthy nobleman, Francis allegedly heard a voice when he was in his 20s telling him to repair a ruined church ...
The Servants PrayerGod and Father, grant me power When I speak to men, Let the unction of the Spirit Rest upon me then ...
The result of the ministryWhy should so small a result be seen in true godliness and growth in grace, from the ministry of the Word, addressed to believers? Let us consider it briefly ...
Two Letters on the Marriage of an EvangelistOne of the Lord`s servants, after having been devoted to the work of preaching the gospel for three years, contemplated marriage ...
When Weakness becomes PowerTo the last, Luther felt his knees knock together when he ascended the pulpit. Bunyan, on his way to preach, would ofter be seized with a strange faintness and strengthlessness, so that he could hardly drag himself to the appointed place...