God’s perfect timetableWhen a person is yielded to God, every day has its appointed program. Nothing can thwart the accomplishing of that program...
Be of good cheer!How happy it is to hear from the lips of our blessed Lord Jesus the heartening words:
The Favor of GodThe favor of God — how ennobling, constant, and enduring! In possession of His favor, we are independent alike of what the world either gives — or withholds.
Perfect PeaceO the peace for ever flowing
From God's thoughts of His own Son...
Bliss in DyingO my soul! Is this blessedness yours in prospect? Are you ready, if called this night to lie down on your death-pillow, sweetly to fall asleep in Jesus?...
Peace in Believing"Perfect Peace!" What a blessed attainment! My soul! is it yours?...
The reigning KingArticle series: Our Glorious Lord
The events that follow the Lord’s descent from heaven accompanied by His saints will be first the gathering out of His kingdom all offenders and opponents of His rule...
How did Church divisions start?When it comes to addressing divisions in the Church, it’s tempting to point to other groups or Scriptural interpretations that differ slightly from our own and cast blame, but what does 1 Corinthians have to say about it?...
God understands it allYou don't have to understand everything in your life, because your Lord of wisdom and grace understands it all...
"That is Your Fault."I remember a mother coming to me and saying, "It is easy enough for you to speak in that way; if you had the burden that I've got, you couldn't cast it on the Lord."...