The Steamer and the Sailing BoatAre you just waiting for the circumstances to be favorable to move forward? Trust that the Holy Spirit...
Secret Prayer As the Source of StrengthWhat does the awareness of your own weakness produce in you? Are you willing to change things within yourself so that the power of God can become more manifest in your life?...
All's WellGloomy thoughts filled my mind as the good ship ploughed the grey waters of the Northern Atlantic: thoughts as to the state of things in the professing Church of God ...
Be man of courageChrist was infinitely gentle. The warmth of His heart made a tropical summer all about Him. But behind the gentleness, was also infinite strength...
Strength for Your Life of FaithHow can we get strength for your lives of faith? By looking at the Lord Jesus in heaven. To know the place where He is now as a glorified man at the right hand of God and to see him there with the eyes of our hearts will makes overcomers in this world!
The Lord provides eveything you needGod will call you to do what you cannot do, but will provide everything you need to do it...
Strength in the WeakWill Jesus accept such a heart as mine? — this erring, treacherous, vile heart? The PAST — how many forgotten vows — broken covenants — prayerless days...
Needful GraceArticle series: Grace
God does not give grace — until the hour of trial comes. But when it does come — the amount of grace, and the nature of the special grace required, is granted...
Grace in WeaknessesDon't be discouraged today. Yes, you're aware of your weaknesses and failures, but for each of them there’s forgiving, transforming grace...
What are you preaching to yourself?Every day you preach to yourself some kind of gospel—a false “I can’t do this” gospel or the true “I have all I need in Christ” gospel...