Controlling the Lord‘s Servant?An important question for those who want to serve the Lord: Can the Assembly control the Lord's servants? ...
Do you enjoy HIS LOVE?Are you prepared for this divine love, which speaks and acts entirely from its source within Himself without thinking about what you used to be? ...
What a friend We have in Jesus - A touching storyThis well know song has a story which touches our hearts ...
The Present bearing of ScriptureThe last words of our Lord before He was taken up into heaven were, “Ye shall receive power, after the Holy Ghost is come upon you ...
Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott!“David stärkte sich in dem Herrn, seinem Gott” (1.Samuel 30,6b) Der Herr führt einen jeden, der für Ihn leben will, durch Prüfungen ...
Asking in Christ‘s NameThe Lord spoke of prayer in John 14-16, and each time, He mentioned the phrase, “in My name.” What does “in My name” mean? ...
Justification by works? YES!No man can truly believe in Christ who does not first repent. Nor will his repentance end when he has saving faith, but the more he knows God as he goes on through the years, the deeper will that repentance become...
Devoted ServiceHow can we bring glory to God in our ministry? ...
Thoughts on ServiceThe conversion of sinners, the prosperity of saints—these are precious things, but not the object of the soul: that should be to please God ...
The Measure of God‘s LoveThere is nothing more wondrous than that God can love such as we are with the same love wherewith He loves His Son. And He does so love us! ...