The Danger of Christian ComplacencyIt is doctrine - doctrine, clear, ringing doctrine which, like the ram`s horn at Jericho casts down the opposition of the devil and sin ...
It is well with My SoulAsk yourself if you can say with Horatio Spafford, „It is well with my soul,“ no matter what may be the circumstances that God allows ...
Geistlicher EntwicklungsgangIch erkannte, daß ich eins war mit Christo vor Gott. Ich fand Frieden und habe den seit jenem Augenblick, trotz vieler Mängel meinerseits, nie verloren ...
Unbroken Fellowship With HimThe spies were constrained to admit that the land flowed with milk and honey but there was hesitation. Why? Because they were not trusting in God ...
Streiflicht der Kirchengeschichte - die WaldenserDie beeindruckende Geschichte von Christen, die bereit waren für ihren Glauben verfolgt und getötet zu werden ...
Manipulating the Work of GOD?It is impossible to believe in Christ and not to be changed. Today in christianity people are called to the altar to speak a prayer and get saved. Is this God's way of salvation? ...
Be Ye Glad!In these days of confused situations. In these nights of a restless remorse, When the heart and the soul of the nation, ...
Auf dem Weg zur VerlobungKann es in der Praxis Freundschaften zwischen Jungen und Mädchen geben, die genauso wertneutral sind wie Freundschaften Gleichgeschlechtlicher? ...
HIS Interests or Our Own?Our spirits need to be stirred up constantly, that we too may come and “work in the house of the Lord," then there will be a “revival” indeed ...
There is Life in a Look at the Crucified One!Gospel Preaching at EBC 2009 (Grove City) - 42 minutes audio message ...