Myths About ForgivingIn my years as a minister and counselor, I’ve talked with many people who have spent years in bondage to someone because they were either unable or unwilling to forgive that person ...
Christ is ALL!More and more I am made to feel that Christ does not have His proper place among the children of God. He is not the object ...
May the Mind of Christ...May the mind of Christ, my Savior, Live in me from day to day, By His love and power controlling All I do and say ...
Vorsicht mit Kritik!Wie haben die Trübsale, Leiden, Mühsale und die Aufopferung jener gehetzten, aber treu ausharrenden Zeugen des finsteren Mittelalters denkende Christen aller Zeiten beschäftigt! ...
The Present bearing of ScriptureThe last words of our Lord before He was taken up into heaven were, “Ye shall receive power, after the Holy Ghost is come upon you ...
Nicht wirklich „Sein“?Ihr aber seid nicht im Fleisch, sondern im Geist, wenn nämlich Gottes Geist in euch wohnt. Wenn aber jemand Christi Geist nicht hat, der ist nicht sein. (Römer 8,9) ...