
Dependent by Divine Design!

“And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary” (1 Cor 12:21-22).

Years ago, a famous organist was giving recitals in various places. At each stop a boy was hired to pump the organ manually. After a highly successful recital, the boy who had been pumping said to the organist, “We had a great recital tonight, didn't we?” 

The organist replied, “I had a great recital. Not we!".

The following night, halfway through the recital, the organ ceased to function. Then the boy's face appeared from where the pump was. With a grin, the boy said, “We aren't having such a great recital tonight, are we?” 

In the Body of Christ, the Divine Design of Dependency is for our Humility and Helpfulness. Each part has limitations, but is also specially fitted to supply a need. Effectual harmony can never be accomplished by individual parts acting independently.  We are Dependent by Divine Design! Answering to this truth Unites us to make "Music" and be greatly encouraged!


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