A prayerO God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, our only Saviour, the Prince of Peace; Give us seriously to lay to heart the great danger we are in by our unhappy divisions...
The Lord my LeaderCommit yourself, O my soul, confidently to the Lord's leading. The way may appear all wrong to you, but it is the right way...
What love doesWe must not think of love as an uncontrollable, unpredictable emotion. We are commanded to love, and this would be quite impossible if love were some elusive, sporadic sensation...
The Lord my exampleWould you resemble Jesus? Then study Him closely, study Him constantly. Study not faint, imperfect copies, but study the Divine-human Original – study Jesus only...
Deny YourselfSin causes us to be self-centered, shifting our hearts from God to self. The essence of salvation is an about-face from self- centeredness to God-centeredness...
Christ in Joseph - A savior to His brethrenWe see before us in this chapter that God is working all things after the counsel of His own will, and that the fruition of His plan is in the fulness of time...
Love assumes the bestLove has no limits.Christlike love leaves no doubt in the mind of another that you will continue to love steadfastly...
Christ in Joseph - The effective servantJoseph now begins the period of his life as a servant in Egypt. How far removed all this seems from the exalted position revealed to him by the Lord in the two dreams...
“Follow Me”Are you willing to follow Jesus anywhere, at any time, under any condition? That is the only way you can follow Him...
Accusing or praising?How do we speak about each other and how do we pray for each other? Do we see the good things God has worked in our brothers and sisters or are we more focused on the negative things?...