The Balances of GodWe are apt to measure things by their size and not by their weight. We too often prefer the things which make the most show....
SympathyIt is an affecting thing to see a great man in tears! "Jesus wept!" It was ever His delight to tread in the footsteps of sorrow...
First aidHere is a prophet in the bonds of melancholy. The light of his hope has been blown out. His soul has been convulsed ...
Endurance of contradiction"Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus!" The greatest test of an earthly soldier's courage is patient endurance!...
Our unchangeable God - the Rock of agesGod doesn't change. He will fulfill whatever He has promised. The living God speaks to us and wants us to put our trust only in Him! ...
PatienceBehold the infinite patience of Jesus! Even among His own disciples, how forbearingly He endured their blindness, their misconceptions and hardness of heart...
The Contagion of Faint-HeartednessOur moods are contagious, and they are swiftly contagious. Our words can act upon others like a bugle or they can act like a chilling, drizzling rain; so it is with our moods...
Learning from JesusBy contemplating Christ we learn how meekly and lowly a child of God should walk in times of worldly prosperity...
Love to the brethren"Jesus", says a writer, "came from heaven on the wings of love." Love was the element in which He moved and walked. He sought to baptize the world afresh with it...
The Divine Side of ThingsIsaiah had never had that kind of vision before. Most certainly he had had spiritual experiences, but never one in which the Lord was so exalted in overwhelming glory ...