UnselfishnessJesus stands out for our imitation, as a grand solitary exception in the midst of a world of selfishness. His entire life was one abnegation of self...
Following the example of ChristThe example of Jesus was HOLY and SANCTIFYING. All who came into His presence could feel how dreadful, yet how attractive, HOLINESS was...
A Missing HandHere is the Almighty waiting for a human instrument. The mere statement of such a possibility touches the soul with awe ...
Pleasing God"I don't want to be weary of God's dealings with me," said Bickersteth, on his death-bed; "I want to glorify Jesus in them, and to find Him more precious."...
Sympathy from ChristHow earnestly and touchingly did Christ ask His disciples: "Stay here and watch with me, while I go yonder and pray."...
Submission to God's wordWe cannot fail to be struck, in the course of the Savior's public teaching, with His constant appeal to the word of God...
Persecuted because of faithfulnessJesus was despised because of the UNWORLDLINESS OF HIS LIFE. His whole life was one ceaseless testimony against the ungodliness of this ungodly world...
ThankfulnessA thankful spirit pervaded the entire life of Jesus, and surrounded with a heavenly halo His otherwise darkened path. In moments we least expect to find it...
Clean FightersEvery form of sin is hostile to my strength. I cannot harbour an unclean thing and preserve my fighting forces unimpaired...
Gentleness in rebukeHow beautifully did Jesus unite intense sensibility to sin — along with tenderest compassion for the sinner...