Glimpses of the FULNESS of God!“That ye might be filled with ALL the FULNESS of GOD”...
Blessed With Every Kind of SecurityAs God’s child, live today with the surety, hope,and courage that come from knowing that your standing before God is secure...
Walk in His Providence - Act the ProvidenceGod has planned for some doors to open only as we push them. He has planned for us to act His providence...
Walk in His Providence - How God Opens Doors for YouWhen the master in Jesus’s parable gave talents to his servants and went away, two got busy multiplying their master’s money, and one hid his talent in the dirt...
Christian joyfullnessPaul had a right to say so. Was it not in Philippi that in the prison he had rejoiced? ...
A GREAT CALMHe was beside the ship in which His disciples toiled and battled with the storm, unknown and unlooked for, no prayer from them brought Him to them, it was His own affection ...
God’s Overview of Church HistoryIn Revelation 2 and 3, God gives us a very interesting prophetic overview of the development of Christianity in the course of church history...
Jesus Christ was a man of prayer - and in this too He is our great role model!He did not have a rigid or legalistic prayer life that was limited to certain places and certain times of day...
Glorifying God"Father, glorify your name!" This is what Jesus Christ prayed when the terrible horror of the cross stood before Him in John 12...
The Christian ExperienceWhat experiences can a Christian have who is filled with the Holy Spirit and for whom Christ is everything? This is exactly what we see in Philippians...