The Chastisement of GodReader, is the hand of your God heavy upon you? Has He been breaking your cisterns, withering your gourds, poisoning your sweetest fountains of earthly bliss?...
The Warnings of God"He is faithful who promised." Do we bear sufficiently in mind another truth of equal fidelity — He is faithful who threatens?...
The Promises of GodGod has made a Will, or Testament, in behalf of His people! It is signed and sealed. It cannot be altered...
The Consolations of GodReader, are you now weary or desponding? Is some cross heavy on you — some thorn in the flesh sorely lacerating you? Be still! He will make His grace sufficient...
The Invitations of GodHow broad is the door of welcome! Before the prodigal son could stammer forth through penitential tears the confession of his sins — the arms of his father's mercy were around him...
The Omnipresence of GodJesus! Your perpetual and all-pervading presence turns darkness into day! I am not left un-befriended to weather the storms of life...
The Wisdom of GodHe sees the end from the beginning. We can discern but a short way, and that, through an imperfect and distorted medium...
The Omnipotence of GodBeliever! what can better support and sustain you amid the trials of your pilgrimage, than the thought that you have an Omnipotent arm to lean upon?...
The Holiness of GodWhat a sublime perfection is this! It would seem to form the loftiest theme for the adorations of saints and angels. They cease not day nor night to cry, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!"...
The Immutability of GodWhat a fountain of comfort is to be found in the Immutability of God! Not one ripple can disturb the calm of His unchanging nature...