Heavenly IlluminationDo not judge too censoriously on God's dealings with you. Wait with patience, until the grand day of disclosures...
"Read! Read! Read!" (2)John Wesley had no sympathy for the preacher who is not a serious student. He said, “Gentlemen, either read or get out of the ministry.”...
Restraining GraceArticle series: Grace
Believer! here is the past history and present secret of your safety in the midst of temptation...
Surviving the summerHow can we exercise ourselves unto godliness? Which habbits should we develop? How determined do we have to be? ...
A Due ReapingBeliever! all the glory of your salvation belongs to Jesus — none to yourself! Every jewel in your eternal crown is His...
Is full time service commendable and should it be well supported?What is the light of scripture as to those who labour in the Word, whether in preaching or in teaching and pastoral care?
Safe WalkingThe paths of the Lord! My soul! never follow your own paths. If you do, you will be in danger often of following sight rather than faith...
"Read! Read! Read!" (1)It has been said that “the man who doesn’t read isn’t any better off than the man who cannot read.”...
Providential OverrulingMy soul! Be still! You are in the hands of your God! Were all the strange circumstances in your history the result of accident, or chance — you might well be overwhelmed...
Being taken to take away somethingIt is hard to fathom these words. His created beings “took Jesus” and bound Him. Pilate “took Jesus” and scourged Him; the chief priests “took Jesus” to be crucified...