Holiness is essential to the Lord’s supportI believe if we were more separate from everything unsuited to the Lord, that He would be very manifestly with us...
Going forward by faithA great many people stand on the edge of the Christian life, waiting for feelings, before they will begin to follow Christ. If they would but begin to follow him, the way would open before them...
A strange phenomenon when there is a revivalIt is a strange phenomenon that when there is a revival, even in the true sense, Christians are more occupied with the winning of souls than with standing for Christ themselves...
The Power of PrayerWhat has prayer accomplished in the Bible and in Church history? What can prayer do today? ...
"Read! Read! Read!" (4)What is true of ministers is true of all our people. YOU need to read. We are quite persuaded that the best way for you to be spending your leisure, is to be either reading or praying...
A Joyful ResurrectionOh! blessed Jubilee-day of creation, when Christ's "dead men shall arise!"...
"Read! Read! Read!" (3)Spurgeon had little patience with preachers who despise commentaries and good study books. He addressed the following statement to his Bible School students...
Heavenly IlluminationDo not judge too censoriously on God's dealings with you. Wait with patience, until the grand day of disclosures...
"Read! Read! Read!" (2)John Wesley had no sympathy for the preacher who is not a serious student. He said, “Gentlemen, either read or get out of the ministry.”...
Restraining GraceArticle series: Grace
Believer! here is the past history and present secret of your safety in the midst of temptation...